About Us

R&D Concepts

Ronald de Vlam and David Cocks are lifelong friends, both industrial designers, who share a passion for converting products that we all take for granted into something special. David’s design strengths are mechanical engineering and design for production, while Ronald’s career flourished in branding and packaging.

The products that R&D commercializes are universal, beautiful, and viable. They are well thought-out, optimized, thoroughly tested, and manufactured to the highest attainable standards.

Our business model is to reinvest our earnings into the next idea in the hope that our friendship keeps the concept cycle going and going.

David & Ronald

The ironiqTM Story

David’s experience in folding mechanisms, whether for baby strollers, portable chairs or everyday housewares, is many years in the making.

Bantam Folding Chair (1996)
Microlite Baby Stroller (2002)

Blending the “best of” from his body of work yielded a very neat and intuitive folding mechanism that R&D Concepts patented for multiple applications, including for an ironing board, which became R&D Concept's first venture.

Early prototypes (2019)
First design iterations (2019)
Patent drawings (2019)

Five years of (part-time) design and development, including 40+ prototypes and 100’s of different iterations, ironiQ™ is finally ready to hit the market. Design is an activity that is rarely perfect the first time. The focus afforded on perfecting ironiQ™ is obvious when you experience the ease and sophistication of the ironing board.

ironiQ™ in 2025

Why an ironing board?

Because all the other boards follow narrow conventions that have never been updated since the 1950s. Because today’s millennials are design-conscious and embracing modern ways to be less environmentally harmful; so they desire a clever ironing board that negates the need for dry cleaning. Because we were tired of seeing people getting their fingers jammed or tripping over cord hazards when using the old ironing boards.

Buy your ironiqTM here.

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